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幼儿园大班英语优秀教案《Put on & Take of》

更新时间:2014-05-18 来源:屈老师教案

幼儿园大班英语优秀教案《Put on & Take of》图片

  1. 乐意参加英语活动,对英语活动感兴趣。
  2. 复习单词:coat、cap、glaves、shoes、sport shoes
  3. 能结合所学单词熟练运用句型Put on…… Take off…….

  1. 多媒体VCD(事先录制)
  内容: A.太阳升起时小朋友起床,穿戴自己的衣物(句型练习:Put on……、出现新授单词glasses、pants、scarf)
  B.天黑了,小朋友准备上床睡觉(句型怜惜:Take off……)

  一、Warming up rhyme:coat coat coat、cold cold cold if you are cold, put on your coat.
  1.T: Everybody, there is a program for you! Please watch carefully!
  3.T: ok! In this program, there are three new words for you, what
  are they?
  4.教师出示图片学习新单词:glasses、pants、scarf glasses:Everybody, follow me! Glasses!(集体幼儿跟教师念)
  say: put on my glasses.
  Pants: What’s this? (pants) (集体念后,个别幼儿念)
  Say: put on my pants.
  Scarf: What’s this? (Scarf) Ok, pass around.(开火车念)
  Say: put on my Scarf.
  5.Ok, who wants to be a teacher and ask us? (请一名幼儿提问:What’s this?
  What are they?其他幼儿回答:glasses、pants、scarf)
  1.T: Ok! let’s go on.(继续观看录像B)
  2.T: It is so interesting, let’s do it together, ok?
  Take off my cap\ Take off my coat\ Take off my pants\ Take off shoes
  T: Once again!
  Take off my cap\ Take off my coat\ Take off my pants\ Take off my shoes.
  1. T: Here is a game for you, Watch carefully!(观看录像C)
  2. T: That’s all! Do you understand?
  3. 集体游戏:
  T: Now, there are coat、cap、gloves、shoes、sport
  T: I want two children of you, who wants to try?
  游戏规则:请两名幼儿比赛,比赛幼儿听教师口令作相应动作,(put on your……take off your…….最快者为胜)
  T: Who wants to try? You say, they do!
  4. 分散游戏:
  T: On the tables, there are coat、cap、gloves、shoes、sport shoes、glasses、pants、scarf here.
  T: Find your coat、cap、gloves、shoes、sport shoes、glasses、pants、scarf.
  And put on them.
  T: Then make a friend. You say and your mate do it.\ Your mate say and you do it. Understand?
  T: Ok! Come on, Let’s do it!
  1. 音乐起,幼儿集中。集体念儿歌《put on and take off》
  Put on your cap、put on your coat、put on your pants、put on your shoes.


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