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小班英语公开课教案《Let’ chant 》

更新时间:2014-06-06 来源:屈老师教案

小班英语公开课教案《Let’ chant 》图片

  Let’ chant

  The teacher :Nicole

  Instructional objectives:

  1. Read the words in familiar ballad :daddy\mommy;sentence pattern:I love my family;say…with me.

  2. Reciting nursery rhymes in rhythm.

  Teaching important points: Reciting nursery rhymes in rhythm

  Teaching Preparations:Teaching chart 、CD、Teaching cards 、Traffic baton 、prop—mustache、Mouth prop.

  Teaching procedures:


  T:Good morning boys and girls.

  Please stand up .Everybody follow me.

  《Clap Your Hands》

  Clap,clap, clap your hands as slowly as you can.Quickly!

  Shake, shake, shake your hands as slowly as you can. Quickly!

  Roll,roll,roll your hands as slowly as you can. Quickly!


  1.T:Look this one!Read!Daddy\Mommy.

  Follow the lights game.

  2.Look at the picture.Everybody follow me.

  3.Boys stand. Repeat after me. Girls stand.  Repeat after me.


  1.T:I am daddy,everybody are Emma.. Are you ready?

  2.T:I am mommy, everybody are Cindy. Are you ready?

  3.Work in pairs and act the dialog out.


  rhythm:Goodbye everyone, Goodbye everyone, Goodbye everyone, Goodbye everyone!

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